Orchestra Holdings Inc.

About Orchestra Holdings Inc.

Orchestra Holdings Inc. engages in the digital transformation, digital marketing, and other businesses in Japan. Its solutions include IT engineer services, artificial and business intelligence support, cloud integration, system development, and other services. The company is also involved in the provision of digital marketing support; venture capital services to entrepreneurs; internet and digital advertising; web design; content marketing; SEO services; and merger and acquisition advisory services. In addition, it develops Urala, an app for fortune telling chat consultations; Skill Navi, a SaaS talent management system; and TechReach, a job information site for freelance engineers. The company was formerly known as Digital Identity Inc. and changed its name to Orchestra Holdings Inc. in July 2017. Orchestra Holdings Inc. was incorporated in 2009 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

株式会社Orchestra Holdings(オーケストラホールディングス)は、企業ビジョンである「創造の連鎖」の実現を目指し、インターネット広告代理事業を中心としたデジタルマーケティング事業を主力に、ライフテクノロジー事業を始めとした、新たな成長分野へも積極的に挑戦し、企業価値の継続的な向上を目指してまいります。


6533.T Japan

2,382USD45 (-1.89%)

• At close Fri Oct 07 2022

Tokyo exchange

Sector: Communication Services

Industry: Advertising Agencies

Location Japan, Tokyo

Grade: ADA

110,274,775 USD
BETA (5y)


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Orchestra Holdings Inc.
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